Projet VETMH TuTo+

Vocational Education process in European tutoring for immersion Trainees in the Mental Health sector

Project’s summary

This project proposes a training of trainers combined with the activation of a network of exchanges of European professionals. It aims to support strong institutional partnerships for the implementation of an internationalization strategy for VET learners in the mental health field.In Europe, the training of the professionals of the Mental Health field is of multiple levels and often heterogeneous. The academic achievements do not always prove to be adequate enough for the expectations of the professionals and the current evolutions of the sector. Young professionals in the field need additional training in the basic clinical curriculum. Indeed, academic achievements are not always in line with the professional world of mental health and changes in the field. It is therefore necessary to develop closer ties between the two in order to complete and perfect the training of young professionals.The shortage in some mental health professions is important, it is therefore necessary to continue to develop their attractiveness by strengthening our tutoring program allowing the transmission of skills between young workers and the most experienced, allowing a transgenerational transmission.That’s why it’s important to develop tools and practices of the tutors in charge of that coaching, and to develop a more precise framework fully beneficial for everyone: professionals of the Mental Health field but also weakest populations: mental health concerns the general population as a whole but also some specific groups like migrants, people with less opportunities, etc. We pay a special attention to this issue during the implementation of the project.


  • · Increase the level of expertise of the employees in the mental health sector.
  • · Increase the level of skills of monitors trainees by training based on scenarios and feedback’s experience.
  • · Creation and distribution of tools allowing future Tutors to accompany young professionals.
  • · Enhance the attractiveness of the professions linked to mental health.
  • · Impact on the motivation of the professionals as well as young than old and reduce absenteeism.
  • · Create a link between the generations via a formal and non-formal transmission of knowledge.
  • · Make the socio-professional integration of the young employees easier.
  • · Propose numerous, flexible and quality job openings to the young persons in training.
  • · This project also aims for the consolidation of a European network of centres specialized in psychiatry and mental health in close cooperation with the research and academic fields.
  • · Destigmatisation of the mental health field by media and communications events and also with a reinforcement of the link between academic world and mental health.

Intellectual outputs

The project will run the training of Tutors in Mental Health over three academic years. This training consists of theoretical seminars, practical workshops to simulate and provide feedback on field experiences. The Tutors will therefore supervise trainees in their professional immersions, in their reflexive and editorial activities but also in their feedback to the teams.This training aims at the acquisition by Tutors of transversal skills. The focus will be on the transnational skills and pedagogical skills needed to monitor trainees. The strategy is to build a set of educational tools and implement them for volunteer Tutors. Then these tutors will put these contributions into practice in the concrete accompaniment of the trainees. Evaluation and certification of Tutors and trainees will be carried out with the obtainment of ECTS credits.The intellectual output created, taught and distributed during the project are concrete and transferable advances in the field of tutoring.Results for this project are available in Outputs section.

Educated tutors

A Europe-wide project

For more detailed informations about partners, please visit Coordinator & Partners page.
For more detailed informations about partners’ contacts, please visit Contacts page.
Project acronym:
Agreement number:
Start (dd-mm-yyyy) :
End (dd-mm-yyyy) :
Project total duration:
36 months
Centre Neuro Psychiatrique Saint-Martin, Belgium
National Agency of the Applicant Organisation :
Key action :
Vocational education process in European tutoring for immersion trainees in the mental health sector
Action Type:
Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Kick-off press conference:
12nd October 2018
Project expert ACSEA:
Dr. Laurence Fond-Harmant

Thanks to funding and support from

Grâce au financement et au soutien de
